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Yacht Management
Yacht Brokerage
Survey and Consulting
Crew Management
Repair and Renovation
Look-After Services
Boat Building


Not only serving in blue cruise and yachting tourism business, Compass Yachting also offers managing services for yacht owners or even for those who want to own a Yacht.

Please check out the links on the left for detailed information on each service.

Our services include:

* Local services for visiting yachts such as mooring and handling, supplement, etc.
* Yacht borkerage services both for buyers and sellers
* Surveying and consulting services with experienced team
* Crew management as a part of human resources department
* Repair and renovation services for yacht owners
* Look after services for owners spending the winter abroad
* Boat building in experienced shipyards and contracting


C O M P A S S Y A C H T I N G © 1998 -

Compass Yachting Ltd. Co. All rights reserved.